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The President's Illiberal Escalation in Portland Needs to End
US citzens being disapeared into unmarked vans is exactly the kind of illiberal act NDN has been warning was coming. It's not okay, and good people of both parties need to rise up and work together to prevent Trump from becoming an American Putin.
With Democrats Things Get Better
Every other Wednesday we offer our new presentation which does a deep dive on the performance of the two political parties over the past generation of American politics. It clearly shows that with Democrats things better; Republicans, not so much.
A Department of Jobs, Skills and Economic Development
Simon offers the idea of creating a new government department focused solely on job creation and skill acquisition.
To Defeat Illiberalism, Democrats Must Embrace Their Success As A Governing Party
Over the past 30 years, the Democratic Party has been the most successful center-left party in the developed world. It is time it started acting like it, and begin to far more purposefully lead the fight against rising illiberalism here and abroad.
NDN's Greatest Hits
We've put together our most important work over the past 15 years, all in one place.

NDN Events: Wed 2pm - 2024 Poll Roundup!
Chris Taylor |
May 15
Each Wednesday NDN takes an indepth look at the 2024 political landscape. On Fridays we talk with leading elected officials, policy makers and...

“Long delays in getting test results hobble coronavirus...
Simon Rosenberg |
Jul 13
This Washington Post headline isn't from March, or May, but from July 13th, and only begins to capture the magnitudue of the failure we are...

Facing the Dark Turn of Trump's Presidency Head On
Simon Rosenberg |
Jul 6
Trumps's escalating attacks and calls for violence against his perceived domestic enemies are authoritarian and dangerous - and can no longer be...

Analysis: More Ghastly GOP Poll Numbers, Loud Dems, Tru...
Simon Rosenberg |
Jul 24
Our weekly look at 2024 polling finds more brutal poll numbers for the GOP, Dems building a 2024 jaggernaut and mytification and worry about Trump'...
Analysis: Should Dems Go For It?
Simon Rosenberg //
Fri, July 10
The Biden campaign faces a big strategy choice in the coming days - how manystates to play in? How big shoulld the battlefield be? Argument for going big is very compelling right now.
The Coming Reckoning With Russia
Simon Rosenberg //
Mon, June 29
Russia's assassination campaign against US and UK troops in Afghanistan should lead to a broad review of its years of attacks on US interests and the West, and a firm and sustained response.
手把手的科学上网教程 | Yaodo Blog:2021-2-20 · 应该没事吧(:D),顺便写个教程。正文开始 1 下载SSR 客户端 如果你不翻墙的话,GitHub的速度好像也不太理想,所众可众直接试试本站的备份:ShadowsocksR-win-4.9.0.zip 2 打开客户端 ...
ssr粉飞机 //
Thu, June 25
As bad as the election looks right now for the President and his party, things may actually get far worse in the coming months.
On COVID, WTF Is the President Doing?
Simon Rosenberg //
Wed, June 17
Based on the President's actions of the past few weeks, we are at the point where we have to wonder whether he's decided that he wants the virus to spread and for more Americans to fall ill and die. Is there another explanation?.
Daily Beast Column Gives High Praise to NDN's "With Democrats" Presentation
Simon Rosenberg //
Wed, June 17
Noted journalist Mike Tomasky did a deep dive on our new "With Democrats" presentation and wrote "It is fascinating. You need to know about it. The entire country needs to know about it."
Out of Tragedy, Hope
Simon Rosenberg //
This have been a very hard few months for this great nation, but in the last few days it feels like that sense of despair and anguish has become to turn into something more hopeful an uplifting.
C'mon Mr. President, Wear A Mask
Simon Rosenberg //
Tue, May 26
The President's refusal to embrace masking as America re-opens is indefensible, and raises questions about whether he still understands what is happening around him.
A New Role for Elected Officials — Community Truth Teller, COVID Navigator
Simon Rosenberg //
Thu, March 26
The COVID19 crisis is an opportunity for elected officials here in the US to take on a new and powerful role - truth teller, community leader, COVID navigator.